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Oct 16 at 6:29 comment added Scott Tramposch First statement is absolutely false: "Bagged soil contains... ...ONLY thing that improves any and all soils. " and the answer also contains many other false statements. The answer does contain some very good information which is true, but it unfortunately does not pertain to the question at all.
Dec 20, 2018 at 5:27 comment added stormy Make no mistake, I think humans are self centered filthy lifeforms, our methods will only make us go extinct sooner than later. I know the science, I see the truth, AGW shows not one bit of scientific truth, facts or ability to predict. Especially since we are in a very obvious cooling period that comes with humongous ramifications, very surprising catastrophe. Just go take a peek? Quit worrying about to chat more anytime...
Dec 20, 2018 at 5:22 comment added stormy @cr0 very quickly because this is all verboten, this chemistry about carbon which is oh so very applicable for plants soils and heck, all of life. We humans are NOT CHANGING THE CARBON CYCLE! So sorry Sue but I felt I really needed to raise my voice. You've just said what others who might have a bit of hesitancy (thank goodness) about CO2 that gee whiz, "don't you think that people who believe in this CO2 warming might actually be more amenable to helping to CHANGE human's input for the better'? NO. Getting humans or any animal to change based on a lie is simply going to set us back.
Dec 19, 2018 at 14:20 comment added cr0 That said, humanity is changing the carbon cycle, storing more carbon in the atmosphere; how is pottery made? concrete? steel? What happens to carbon atoms when gas goes from underground to our car's engines? Or the natural gas as it goes from underground to our home furnaces and water heaters? Thus, I disagree with you saying "quit worrying about carbon". Let's actively store carbon in ways beneficial to us - trees, wood, soil - and not let it go haphazardly to oceans, where simple & advanced science experiments can show it is not helpful for us or most other organisms.
Dec 19, 2018 at 14:17 comment added cr0 I'm an environmental scientist and see both large-scale data from climate experts and see wackier weather in my own neck of the woods over the past 20yrs. Anthropogenic climate change or not, I've seen first hand that humans are degrading ecosystems we live in and/or rely on. Regardless of political agenda, we shouldn't shit where we sleep.
Dec 19, 2018 at 14:12 comment added cr0 Thanks for the clarification on the compost/DOM difference.
Dec 19, 2018 at 6:32 comment added stormy CO2 most certainly affects how to think about the garden. The chemistry. How plants work and what we humans need to add or not our oh so artificial gardens. Global cooling is kind of sort of important to gardening and landscaping. Yay, I get to be the party pooper yet again. I am not here to be popular. I question everything and what I know I KNOW because I question especially my own views and ideas firstus.
Dec 19, 2018 at 6:26 comment added stormy Global warming is all about some ridiculous idea about CO2 holding heat in the atmosphere...some even think CO2 is Carbon and black smoke. I know this is emotionally charged but I feel it is important to think about and question. I KNOW there is no warming...I am amazed that so many believe this is true. I have a need to teach not promote ridiculous propaganda. Let's go to chat and debate...or discuss? We are in a cooling period, historically proven and great data from all the 'right' resources to support, yet...I am a teacher. If I am wrong I expect the student to explain to me why.
Dec 19, 2018 at 6:19 comment added stormy @cr0 I am glad you asked this question. Compost is a work in progress. DOM is the process completed. Compost is actually thought of as mulch, I've made gardens out of virgin soil and had great crops the first season. Just learning to manage whatever soil type you have. All soil is great soil if one learns how to manage that soil and...the only thing that will improve any soil and all soils is DOM dumped on the surface. Make those soil organisms earn their keep! Going up to the top then back down into the soil, aerates and mixes the DOM into the soil far better.
Dec 18, 2018 at 19:07 comment added Smilin Brian Does not answer the question, and ends with counter-factual mumbo jumbo - not helpful despite the suggestions about soil improvement.
Dec 18, 2018 at 16:26 comment added LShaver I'd recommend removing the last bit of this answer about global warming -- it's not relevant to the question and likely to be seen as controversial around these parts. Otherwise this looks like a helpful answer.
Dec 18, 2018 at 14:13 comment added cr0 I turn to big bags of raised bed soil because my composting (via warms and via 4'x4'x4' heap) aren't fast enough for the planting I'm doing. Anyway, what's the difference between DOM and compost? Maybe better suited for a separate question.
Dec 18, 2018 at 5:54 history edited stormy CC BY-SA 4.0
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Dec 18, 2018 at 5:45 history edited stormy CC BY-SA 4.0
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Dec 18, 2018 at 5:28 history edited stormy CC BY-SA 4.0
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Dec 18, 2018 at 5:17 history answered stormy CC BY-SA 4.0