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Questions tagged [city-living]

aspects of sustainability that are specific to living in a city.

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3 answers

Does the 15 minute city concept have an answer to the two body problem?

The 15 minute city is defined by wikipedia as: The 15-minute city (15mC) is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and ...
User65535's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How to start sustainable living in UAE?

I live in UAE. The government here has started a few initiatives recently but I think there is a long way to go. I am trying to be more thoughtful for the things I use but it is very difficult, as ...
Iva's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can you live in a Caravan for a long term? permanently?

To stay mobile, and also avoid the expensive cost of rent, can you live in a Caravan for a long term? or even permanently?
NotaChoice's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Meta-campaigns for sustainable building management?

(Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. I considered politics--maybe that is better.) I have seen various groups that try to set up small campaigns targeted at individual organizations to ...
capet's user avatar
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3 answers

How feasible is a city with no cars and no streets?

Saudi prince, Mohammand bin Salman, announced a future city spread in 170km with no cars and no street. But any place to meet daily needs like schools, medicine and office will not take more than 5 ...
PD Pro's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Will planting trees around my house save me from pollution?

If one is living in a polluted city and plants trees around their house, Will it reduce air pollution? What about reducing heat in the summer?
hkboi's user avatar
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1 answer

Did subsidies for suburban development exist?

I found an article claiming that In the 1970s and 1980s, Dallas emerged as a model of the kind of economic success government-subsidized suburban sprawl could generate Is that true? Did people get ...
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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0 answers

Are there examples of Greywater reuse between buildings?

Are there any documented cases or examples about reusing greywater from a particular building in another adjacent building? For example: Using treated greywater from an office building for toilet ...
akram El mansouri's user avatar
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What are the benefits or shortcomings of a moss wall?

I'm considering to put up a small moss wall in my workplace. What benefits or shortcomings should be considered regarding inhabitants' health and environment impact of a moss wall? Update: It's an ...
Peter Ivan's user avatar
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For the exactly same income, does a person pollutes more when living in a big city or in a small town? [duplicate]

I had a recent argument with a coworker (we are both engineers) that the amount of pollution (trash+water+air) generated by a person increases with the person's income (we both agreed on that) but my ...
Gabriel Diego's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

For the exactly same income, does a person pollute more when living in a big city or in a small town?

I had a recent argument with a coworker (we are both engineers) that the amount of pollution generated by a person increases with the person's income (we both agreed on that)... but my coworker ...
Gabriel Diego's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is there any eco-friendly option for condom?

I am from India and there is no availability of vegan condom. I am a hardcore practitioner of sustainable living and don't wanted to create waste with single-use condom which is definitely resulting ...
PD Pro's user avatar
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0 answers

What would need to happen to push NYC or other urban centers towards holistic sustainability? [closed]

Structurally or otherwise, is there a way to transition an unsustainable city into a sustainable one? What would needs to occur and what would the effect be? Can modern civilization become sustainable?...
Sekai Farai's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Hotel communal living

I want to purchase a hotel and sell rooms that have been renovated into tiny apartments that can accommodate one couple. Living together will reduce costs for all and the rent can reinvested in green ...
Bad Wolf Trading Company's user avatar
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Permaculture Urban Transition [closed]

In the more realistical and pragmatical way, which are the main steps a set of people in a medium sized urban envinroment, should undertake to convert the city to a permaculture oriented living style? ...
GodTaxist's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I enforce the garbage recycling?

Despite we have adopted some European legislation here in Estonia regarding the recycling in 2004 and we have got some containers for sorted wasted on the streets for those environmental enthusiats, I ...
Valentin Tihomirov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Portable humidifier that does not use electricity

I am looking to make a ecofriendly humidifier. It should not use electricity.I suffer from sinuses and humidity is essential for me. So I thought of keeping a container of water in my room(s) near ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

documented research on best practice for encouraging behaviour change towards more sustainable transport?

Cars have large overheads in terms of energy, materials, physical space requirements, accident casualties, and local & global pollution. But, particularly in anglophone countries, few ...
410 gone's user avatar
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What kind of population-to-agriculture relationship is the most sustainable? [closed]

City/Rural Relationship High concentration of humans and low concentration of agriculture that are largely fed by areas outside the city that are very low in human population but are very high in ...
Jack Fraser's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How to sustainably deal with garbage?

Is it a bad idea to throw garbage down the public garbage chute? Sustainably speaking, garbage "dumps" & toxic incinerators don't seem like a sustainable method over time. Although maybe someone ...
Andrew's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Is it a good idea to throw organic waste in a river?

I live in an apartment in an urban area that doesn't offer municipal compost. I store my food waste in a paper bag in my freezer. When the bag is full, I run it over to Whole Foods and dispose of ...
drs's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

From a sustainability perspective, what is a method by which a city can set priorities regarding pollution? [closed]

From a sustainability perspective, what is a method by which a city can set priorities regarding pollution. In other words, which pollutants are the most important to reduce. So many pollutants are ...
user1227's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How sustainable is Tokyo's city-wide garbage separation and recycling programs?

I'm using the example of Tokyo, Japan, as it is a massive megacity and also, from personal experience having lived there for 4 years. Not only are the public rubbish bins across the city segregated ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Indoor Urban Garden Lighting

Is there a specific type of light source that outperforms others for indoor urban gardens? This could be a combination of power usage and its effect on growing plants (i.e. spectrum it produces).
TomSchober's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to have chickens in NYC?

I have a small backyard and live in a densely populated part of Brooklyn. I'm interested in exploring the possibility of getting two chickens for eggs. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for ...
Patti Mac's user avatar
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What are the challenges in mixing food production with living spaces?

Some of the other questions have discussed the differences between localization and sustainability, for example, What is the Relationship between Localising the Economy and Sustainability? A lot of ...
David Fritsch's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Are there any laws that prohibit composting of human waste in US cities?

I have lived in an urban setting for a couple of years, where I used a composting toilet. Now I live in an apartment in a major metropolitan area in California and would like to continue using ...
DudeOnRock's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to reuse grey water in an apartment?

Is it possible to reuse greywater in an apartment, in which you can't modify the plumbing? Seems like it would be better to water plants with greywater than using fresh water.
lemontwist's user avatar
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What lifestyle choices have the biggest impact on a local economy? [closed]

As someone who lives in a city and expects that a sustainable world will be interdependent rather than isolated homesteads, I'm interested in where money (spent locally as an assumption) is best ...
AlexanderTD's user avatar
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How do I start composting? [duplicate]

I want to start composting after a few failed attempts at vermicomposting indoors (I didn't have a balcony or any access to land back then). I have a rather large apartment balcony and I think I could ...
lemontwist's user avatar
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How can you compare the costs of using public transportation versus using a personal car? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Impact of various travelling options Freakonomics makes the claim that for public transportation, provided ridership is sufficiently high, that the most energy efficient means ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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1 answer

Infrastructure layers for a green roof?

What layers of sealing/insulation/etc are needed when putting a green roof on an existing structure? Strong preference is for materials that are easily findable/not specialized products. To clarify ...
Laizer's user avatar
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6 answers

Producing my own energy options in urban area with windows but no roof access?

I'm wanting to produce my own energy, but I live in a condo with no access to the roof. I'd like to produce electricity, so maybe turning that energy into electricity safely. I have windows that have ...
EhevuTov's user avatar
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50 votes
6 answers

Is it feasible to compost in an apartment in a city like New York?

I would like to start composting but live in New York City and have no yard area. Is it feasible to try composting on my very small outdoor porch balcony area (6 feet x 3 feet)? The porch is shaded ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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