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Questions tagged [climate-change]

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is reindeer meat sustainable?

Beef is generally considered unsustainable, since cows are ruminants that fill the atmosphere with methane. The greenhouse gas effects are massive per a kilogram of produced beef. However, something ...
juhist's user avatar
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What is the most cost effective way for an individual to contribute to global climate action? (For an Australian resident)

Edited: I would like to spend money in the most effective ways (local tax considerations included) I understand that in order to be effective at tackling climate change there needs to be action at a ...
Andrew Micallef's user avatar
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The EU made its top priority to stop buying Russian fossil fuels, even if it involves less sustainable energy sources. Is net-zero under threat?

With Putin having invaded Ukraine, Europe made getting rid of Russian hydrocarbons a more urgent priority than phasing out fossil fuels and other unsustainable energy sources. They now intend to ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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What is the climate impact of discarding natural apparel in landfills?

What with fast fashion, loads of clothes are dumped in landfills, especially, I guess, in the US, given its humongous consumption of fiber goods. They are organic matter and therefore supposed to emit ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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Would it be technically correct to call stratospheric aerosol injection "chemtrails"?

There is a BBC article about geo-engineering being the subject of conspiracy theories, referring to a study by Dr Ramit Debnath which I assume is this (graphical abstract below). My very brief reading ...
User65535's user avatar
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Are there any studies about scientific consensus about climate change solutions?

There are studies demonstrating the high level of scientific consensus around the existence of climate change among scientists, and how this is related to their publishing record. Are there any such ...
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