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4 votes

Is there a way to remove cockroaches without having to use poison?

For most insects a mixture of 1 cup water, 1 cup borax powder or welding flux, and 1 cup honey works. Dissolve the borax in water, add the honey, and mix. Spray around edges, under the fridge etc. ...
jamesbergen's user avatar
4 votes

Organic or packaging free food?

It's all a matter of how you do the counting! If you take into account how much diversity you destroy, non-organic food is worse than "too much" cardboard packaging. But how do you count this? Life ...
J. Chomel's user avatar
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3 votes

Non toxic insect(ant) repellent for use in the kitchen

I would suggest baking soda. It is very effective against ants, cheap and available in the supermarket. Just put some on the areas that frequented by the ants and if you can locate the points they ...
MartinH's user avatar
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3 votes

What is a low-toxic way to kill yellow Jackets?

I personally use a combination of d-limonene & borax. First, borax is a natural occurring salt from lake beds and d-limonene is basically just orange oil, a solvent. Mix the two together and ...
Gregory Smitherman's user avatar
3 votes

How do greenhouses affect pesticide use?

Weed control is easier in greenhouses, so herbicides aren't used much. However the higher humidity levels and more constant temperatures make both insect and fungi much larger pests. The expense of ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
3 votes

How do greenhouses affect pesticide use?

To a general question this general answer: I don't know, but in general I don't think so ;-) but then again, ... First: a greenhouse is not a closed environment. It is aerated (insects can come in ...
luc's user avatar
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2 votes

What is a low-toxic way to kill yellow Jackets?

Another way is to use a trap to get rid of them. I hate wasps and these devices work quite good and most importantly passively (i.e. you don't have to spray the wasps). It's also very easy to build ...
Matthias's user avatar
2 votes

What is a low-toxic way to kill yellow Jackets?

One method that I have found to be particularly good is using a soap with surfactants in a Hand Pump Garden Sprayer which can be found for under $20, for example here is one on Amazon that looks ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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1 vote

What are environmentally friendly and efficient ways to fight hogweed?

Main problem is that the seeds can remain vital for 5 or more years, so any measurements taken need to be persisted for a while and there's really no silver bullet (also not herbicides since they're ...
stijn's user avatar
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1 vote

Wheat for animal consumption safe for human consumption?

So today I inspected the wheat more closely, I found some animal droppings of what assume were birds from the seller and a dead insect along with some trash. It actually calms me down a little to see ...
Media's user avatar
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1 vote

Relationship between Protein Content of Wheat and the use of Pesticides

Summary: either there is no link, or no one did any research on this. The latter doesn't seem likely given the amount of research there has been on grain protein content. Most likely the farmer meant '...
THelper's user avatar
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1 vote

Relationship between Protein Content of Wheat and the use of Pesticides

Farmers wanting (or being forced) to avoid the use of pesticides have a wide variety of choices at their disposal. Most of them will in fact alter the quality of the crop, but most of the alternatives ...
Scott Tramposch's user avatar
1 vote

Non toxic insect(ant) repellent for use in the kitchen

Rubbing alcohol will prevent all insects. Of course, it doesn't last very long. Clove powder will kill ants, even causing burning to them if it is just sprinkled on top of them. But, I do not know ...
Raven's user avatar
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