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4 votes

Why should we bother to recycle household waste if it's only a small portion of all waste that is generated?

If 70 people recycle their waste, does that mean that the 71th person doesn't have to? The answer obviously is no, this person should recycle his/her garbage just like those other 70 people are doing. ...
THelper's user avatar
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3 votes

Why should we bother to recycle household waste if it's only a small portion of all waste that is generated?

It is true that household recycling alone is not going to solve the problem of stuff. But I personally still recycle because it increases my awareness of the resources I consume and the kinds of ...
eremite's user avatar
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Why should we bother to recycle household waste if it's only a small portion of all waste that is generated?

You pay indirectly for local landfills, regardless of where other waste is made. If people paid directly for their waste, the choice between recycling and landfill would be obvious. As an aside, I ...
FreeText's user avatar
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Why should we bother to recycle household waste if it's only a small portion of all waste that is generated?

I tell you why I do it: Saves me time. I don't have the luxury of garbage pickup. I live on a farm, and I have to take my own garbage to the dump. We have three classes of garbage: Bluebag (...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar

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