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Douglas Daseeco's user avatar
Douglas Daseeco's user avatar
Douglas Daseeco
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • Boca Raton, FL, United States
4 votes

Is fleece clothing a cheap and sustainable alternative to conventional cotton?

3 votes

What is an energy efficient way to get fresh air indoors during winter?

2 votes

Toilet tank with both water main and waste water (underflow)

2 votes

How recyclable is a sealable coffee bag?

1 vote

What commercially printed paper is safe to compost?

1 vote

How can I recycle a disposable lighter?

1 vote

How are pollution and sustainability related?

1 vote

Insulating against unwanted conductive heat

0 votes

What is the relationship between energy efficiency and sustainability?

0 votes

Solar Lights With Little Sunlight

0 votes

How many people could be fed using the land currently used to grow feed for livestock?

0 votes

Best options for decarbonising steel production?

0 votes

Is 3 phase electrical generation more efficient to utilize than single phase?

-1 votes

What is the rationale for a base temperature for degree-days of 12 degrees?

-2 votes

Is it better to dispose of food scraps with a garbage disposal unit or into the garbage?