You (probably) cannot do it on demand side.
The reason this is impossible is that 99% of aluminum users don't care if their aluminum comes from recycled sources.
Let's say there's need for 100 units of aluminum, out of which 50 units are new, and 50 units are recycled.
Now, you introduce one unit of aluminum consumption, with the requirement that it comes from recycled sources. Guess what? Now there are 101 units of aluminum, out of which 51 units are new and 50 units are recycled. Your purchase of recycled aluminum increased its price, making somebody else switch to new aluminum.
You can (perhaps) do it on supply side.
Simply said: purchase shares of an aluminum recycling business. Then you know you own a part of the aluminum recycling operation.
This, however, very probably makes someone sell the shares in aluminum recycling business to you, but you at least now know you own (part of) the recycling business. So it's your recycled aluminum, not somebody else's recycled aluminum. And, you are more immune to price changes of recycled aluminum, although your business is still affected by the price of aluminum waste.
A similar argument is true of many other things:
- To sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, you should own a carbon sink (a forest).
- To use clean electrical energy, you should own hydropower and wind power.