I am thinking of attaching what is a akin to an "inverted umbrella" to some trees - i.e. underneath the tree canopy, so that I can harvest rain from underneath the tree.
Please note, this is not EXACTLY what I'm doing - so go along with the analogy. I don't want people asking me WHY I am doing this etc.
So, going on with the analogy of the "inverted umbrella" under the tree canopy, to collect rain, I am aware that there will be debris/detritus consisting of (but not limited to):
- Bird (and other fauna) excreta
- Dead leaves, twigs etc.
My question is this:
Can such collected water be used to irrigate vegetables (especially salads) - that are often eaten raw?
If the answer is a resounding "No" - then, please indicate what the potential dangers are - and how these may be mitigated against.