I have a big refrigerator/freezer and barely use any of the space. I also don't necessarily need to keep things cold all the time, as I mostly use it to freeze ice packs and extend the freshness of vegetables. I think this introduces some inefficiency. What is my range of options for smaller or more intermittency-optimized refrigerator/freezers, and how much efficiency gain would I get from these options?
I believe that the optimal solution is to share my refrigerator/freezer with more people, ideally by finding roommates or something like that. But for now, let's assume that's not an option.
For context, I have looked into the power consumption of various types of freezers as estimated by various outlets on the web. It seems like the smallest "normal food freezers" around (such as here) actually have higher anticipated annual power consumption than the most efficient "normal size" refrigerator/freezers (such as here). These both seem fairly comparable to portable DC-type freezers like this one if it were to run 16 hours/day, although I have no idea how much running time it would need to achieve similar performance to the "normal" ones.