Generally, is it better to let laptop and cellphone batteries fully die before recharging, to leave them plugged in constantly even when charged and not in use, or to unplug them once they are fully charged and leave unplugged until you notice the battery needs a reasonable amount of charging?
Now I know usage and specs differ greatly person to person, device to device. So I am just looking for some general feedback on the lifespan of a battery vs keeping it charged/letting it die.
I have struggled through the years deciding when to plug my phone and laptop in. I came to a decided perspective that it is better for the batteries lifespan to be plugged in all the time when not in use (not in use means I will use it later today or tomorrow and it will need juice). This maintains a full charge, while minimally using the battery thus increasing lifespan. Is this also optimal for minimizing power consumption? I have my doubts.