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How can I figure out what's using so much electricity in my home?

For the daily energy consumption quoted, optimizing the lights will not make a significant dent. I know because I've been there. Keep in mind that large loads (electric stove, electric drier, heaters, ...
Radu Popa's user avatar
2 votes

Can window films be fully removed from a window?

Window film can be removed, but it takes some effort. The film needs to be softened with ammonia, heated with a blow dryer & carefully peeled from the one of the corners. A razor blade could be ...
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Minimizing home heating costs with high ceilings

There are two general approaches to reducing heating costs: Reduce the amount of space/floor area/volume that needs heating. Improve the insulating value of the enclosure (eg. plastic on windows) ...
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How can I figure out what's using so much electricity in my home?

About the graph showing the changes along the week, I suggest you to take a list of the domestic appliances that consumes more eletricity (like this ), to sort them by energy consumption rate, and to ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Energy saving "bonus" for apartment renters

Your system fails immediately when prices rise. Since prices rising is inevitable, your system will inevitably fail. Even if it did work for a year, you hit diminishing returns right-away, and there ...
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