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Why can't solar stills convert sea water into fresh water?

I think this is one of the "gaping holes" you are looking for: The amount of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in sea water is about 40,000ppm. Thus for every 1,000L of sea water distilled, you would ...
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How to use sea water in daily life?

What do we use water for in every-day life? And can we use untreated seawater instead? Because: untreated seawater is what the PO's is supposed to use instead of fresh water. :) Bathing. Maybe Either ...
Ideogram's user avatar
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Do we have a way to limit rising sea levels in a warmer global climate?

I'm afraid the answer is no. Greenland alone has enough ice to raise sea-level by 7m. That is, 7m of water spread over the oceans which cover 71% of the Earth's surface. The flow of Alpine glaciers ...
M Juckes's user avatar
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Do we have a way to limit rising sea levels in a warmer global climate?

It sounds like what you're talking about is geoengineering: the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system. An interesting paper was published just last month that ...
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