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9 votes

Should I replace existing inefficient light bulbs?

Sort of. Consider the pay back time. high efficiency lights are expensive. Expense is, at least in part, a measure of the resources used to make it.* Replacing the fixtures in the kitchen where the ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
3 votes

Can the production of herbal supplements (pills) be sustainable?

They definitely can be sustainable. The crops themselves can easily be grown in a sustainable manner. The plastic containers can be replaced with biodegradable containers, such as those made with ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
1 vote

What's the environmental impact of industrial sources of store-bought bagged soil? Is it a 'net positive' in terms of building soil & storing carbon?

Advice From the Dirt Doctor This question is really multiple questions. How well is bagged soil really "building soil"? How is the soil built that I get in bags? Is it storing carbon? Does ...
Scott Tramposch's user avatar
1 vote

Best options for decarbonising steel production?

What are the most promising alternatives, in terms of the economics and scalability, to decarbonise steel production? Both for the reduction of iron oxide to iron, and for the iron-to-steel process? ...
juhist's user avatar
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